Tag Archives: press release

Media Relations — by the Book

where the  people areLet’s continue chatting about some of the tips from David E. Henderson’s “Making News in the Digital Era.”   [overview of David’s book provided in previous post]

The practice of influential communications with the media comes from realistic knowledge of what makes appealing news, what is and is not a story identifying the best news outlet to reach your audiences, finding a reporter to develop a story with which you will be pleased. The goal is to reach and engage audiences.” [p. 7]

Just what is news anyway?

“News” is more than whatever information an organization or individual wants to share.

In journalism classes, we teach about “newsworthiness,” i.e., the elements that make facts into a story: (a) timeliness and (b) local relevance are two helpful elements, but more compelling components would be stories about (c) important topics that affect peoples’ lives; (d) well known people; (e) competing sides [as in sports]; and (f) human interest subjects that tug at the heart strings.

David emphasizes two key “newsworthy” points throughout the book: ** Tell stories **Make those stories about how readers will benefit — NOT about how great your company/product/service is.

“If you want to achieve outstanding coverage by the media — whether a daily newspaper, cable news, blog, or online news service — it only makes sense to speak their language and understand what they need.” [p. 158]

A primary tenet of information distribution in this new media world is that you “narrowcast” rather than “broadcast.” In other words, mass distribution of press releases is a waste of time.

What do you do instead?

First you find out where your audience is, i.e., where do they get their information?

  • If offline in traditional media, you will need to cultivate personal relationships with the reporters and writers who cover your industry.
  • If online, you will need to listen & engage with customers/clients/employees on the sites and platforms they prefer AND read & comment on the blogs they read.

David’s tips and rules for media interviews

  1. Never guess when you don’t know.
  2. Always tell the truth.
  3. Know when to stop talking and just listen.
  4. Strive to communicate three clear messages and use facts and statistics to back them up.
  5. Answer questions that are asked.
  6. Remember that eye contact and how you say things is as important as what you say.
  7. Never say anything you do not want to see in print; media interviews are not conversations.

WHEN ON CAMERA: Look straight into the lens —  and be as natural and friendly as you can be.

“Audiences do not care to hear an organization talk about itself. People only want to know how an organization’s products or services benefit them and bring value to their lives.” [p. 170 – last page of the book]


Creating messages for the media

Core values to build trust and value

Old Hat press releases will no longer cut it

Part II: My notes on PRWeb Social News Release show

Images are now expected: photo by my friend Susan Ambrosini
Images are now expected: photo by my friend Susan Ambrosini

For a long time I’ve been telling my students the “dirty little secret” that the term PRESS RELEASE is passè — and people-in-the-know have been referring to these outreach communiquès as NEWS RELEASES.

However in the New Media World, we now have the SOCIAL NEWS RELEASE with entirely new rules and capabilities. Naturally I was excited by the prospect of sharing the tips for online news releases offered in the PRWeb/Vocus webinar.


Here are three of the broad-based benefits of Social News Releases:

  • Their incorporated “links” build Google juice
  • They provide content for both news aggregators and bloggers
  • They can create viral exposure through social networks

The Webinar listed five steps for a Great Online News Release:

  1. Focus on two or three relevant key phrases — and get one of those in the headline and the other in the first sentence.
  2. Content is Key: Make certain that your story has news value and is not just a veiled sales pitch.
  3. Distribute the release to all social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
  4. Optimize with key words and videos or images.
  5. Use targeted anchor tags [URLs with recognizable labels].

It’s All About BACKLINKS

Go to slide #26++ on Optimized Press Releases for examples of  SEO-enhanced social news releases. Notice the embedded video, social bookmarking, live search tracking, and embedded hyperlinks. Multimedia has become an expectation.

Here are two organizational points from the webinar transcript:

  • The Process has changed: new way of working, new approval procedures, new metrics
  • Leadership must discuss and adopt a new way of defining success for Public Relations

You can use this template for a Social News Release provided on the Web by Todd Defren, widely respected PR/Social Media expert whose blog PR-Squared debuted the recommended format. For more information check out this Fact Sheet on Todd and the relevance of Social News Releases.

Next post: SFSU alum John Gumas was one of the SF marketing pro’s “responsible” for sparking my passion for All Things Social Media