Tag Archives: Go-To Source

Why do people read blogs? To find personal opinions and insights on topics they care about

When deciding if you, too, should become a blogger, then tons of questions come to mind — and one of the first should be “Why do people read blogs?”

After all, if you are going to spend time and energy writing on the Global Whiteboard, you do want readers. So your blog plan needs to aim at a specific types of readers and give them what they want. That’s both Common Sense and Smart Marketing, i.e., define your target market and listen to what it is asking for.

The Science of Blogging: research for your blog’s strategic plan

The link in the subtitle above points to a data-rich webinar on blogging presented by Dan Zarrella, author of The Social Media Marketing Book and one of the Web’s online Go-To people for facts & figures on social media behavior. Currently a marketing product owner at HubSpot, Dan presented his latest research in a 60-minute Blogging webinar and slideshow. An hour listening to the webinar would be well worth your time; in the meantime however, you can read my Top Ten Takeaways from Dan’s research:

1. Relevance: People find blogs for the personal opinions and insights on topics they are particularly interested in — from people they have grown to trust.

2. Authority: Bloggers need to establish their credibility by delivering sound content and showing relevant background, education, and experience: however, calling oneself an “expert” or a “guru” is pretentious — and often sneered at.

3. SEO: Blogs offer great search engine optimization opportunities, particularly in helping consumers make purchasing decisions. Growing numbers of people are checking online and reading blogs to find information on items they want to buy.

4. Positivity: People do not go online to be brought down; they prefer the positive to the negative.

5. Avoid self-reference: Best practice is to talk AS yourself, not ABOUT yourself. People want to read your opinions, insights and unique point of view — not your minute-to-minute activities.

6. KISS: [Keep It Simple Stupid]: Avoid technical jargon; simplify, simplify, simply (as Thoreau) advises.

7. Novelty: Do not be boring, especially by regurgitating what others keep talking out. Try to provide content that is uniquely yours.

8. Social Proof: Use words like you, how, why, giveaway, money, etc. that are most often LIKED, SHARED, and ReTWEETED. You can find Dan’s lists of these words in the slides accompanying the webinar.

9. Frequency: The more often you post, the more readers you are likely to attract. Publishing once a day — or more — is the fastest way to become the Go-To Source for your area of expertise.

10. Know your audience: Are they mostly male? female? What are their schedules? How can you best serve their needs?

For further information about WHY and HOW to blog, check out some of my past articles:

To Blog . . . or Not To Blog . . . that is a good First Question

How to start a blog — Step by Step

How to write your first blog post on WordPress.com

What should your first blog post be about?

Use your blog to become the Go-To Source for information in your area of expertise

Avoid these NINE Blogging Errors

Beginning Bloggers Workshop: what should you blog about?

Will a blog help  you build your business and other typical blog questions

10 Lessons I learned about blogging from my first 6-part series

Any more questions? Perhaps I’ll do a blog to answer.

10 Mistakes Made by Social Media Newbies

Take the bull by the hornsA few weeks ago, I participated in a social media webinar that unfortunately went “over the heads” of most of the other attendees. So I invited many of them to contact me for answers to some of their basic questions.

Bob asked me:

“What do Newbies typically do wrong?”

Putting on my Thinking Cap, I came up with a Top Ten list.

  • If you have not yet DIVED IN, then you can possibly avoid some of these errors.
  • If you’ve “only just begun,” maybe you’ll get a better understanding of why you’re not yet Getting It.
  • If you’re more experienced, please comment and add your own thoughts on how to help Newbies make their way more successfully down Social Media Revolutionary Road.

Top Ten challenges for newcomers to social media:

1. Trying to do too much too soon:

My suggestion to “students” — no matter what their age or discipline — is to understand that the learning process follows these four-steps: CONFUSION → SILENCE → FOCUS → EFFORT: In brief, anyone learning something new is going to be Confused, so accept it and Silence the associated fears, so that you can Focus on ONE THING [e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn] at a time and put in the effort to learn it and use it.

My brother Chuck was quite overwhelmed by the whole social media landscape, but he was intrigued enough to get started. He took my advice, focused solely on LinkedIn and has built up quite a presence in a very short time.

2. Being close-minded and judgmental before you really know what’s what:

I’ll never forget last January when a friend told me she was spending 3 hours a day on Facebook, and I actually told her she was “wasting her life”


When I first was introduced to Twitter, I thought that’s “stupid


Now some of my friends invite me to play Mafia Wars . . . hmmmm, what do I say until I know what the game is really all about?

Actually some people I respect actually play Mafia Wars, which means that some of my community members are “there,” which in turn means I need to know what it’s all about.

3. Not listening enough at first to understand the workings and sentiments of a community:

If you are reading any articles on Getting Started with social media, you are bound to see the advice on Listening as a Vital First Step. Some refer to Listening as “Conversation Mining.” But, as we all know, “Listening” is more than mere “Hearing”; not only do many people read over this suggestion, but they may never have developed good listening skills.

For a bit more insight into the importance of Listening, check out my two previous articles;

Listening is the first rule to business success

When communication adds up to a big fat zero

4. Not jumping in and getting going:

Listening is critical, but if you don’t get started, you have nothing to listen to. Learning social media is all about experimenting and taking risks. One webinar coach suggested that we “Ask for forgiveness, rather than permission.” A colleague somewhat skeptical of social media evangelists isn’t a proponent of this advice.

I’m somewhere in between, but you do have to get in there and try things out. Most social media community members are very supportive of Newbies. If some are not, well they are definitely in the minority. Just say you are sorry and move on.

5. Expecting IMMEDIATE Results:

This is particularly troublesome to me because it shows that the social media neophyte doesn’t understand that Relationship-Building is a process that takes time, patience, persistence, and passion.

6. Hiding:

Best Practice on social media is all about being Real, Authentic, Genuine, and Transparent. The first thing Newbies need to understand is that they need to be themselves if they are to find real success on social media platforms. This begins with a recognizable photo and not a default avatar. It continues with completing full profiles on any site they will be fully engaging on.

Stick around for #10 for the rest of this answer.

7. No time management or consistency:

My experience with beginners to social media — and any of the skill-building courses I’ve taught — is that with no practice of what they’ve learned, those early lessons are soon lost. Same goes for further down the road: You MUST make time to be successful. Yes, practice does make perfect [or close to, anyway].

And once you begin a blog, a Twitter account, a Facebook presence, etc., you need to post on a regular basis or you may lose the community members you have been able to gather.

8. Snake oil salesman:

Do not SPAM. Do not sell, sell, sell. Your intention may be to use social media to market your products and services, but Social Media Marketing is a different animal, and that animal is not a snake. It is all about building relationships, so that people in your communities will come to know you and trust you and then come to you for whatever it is you have to offer.

In her great new social media book The New Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web, Tamar Weinberg quotes new media marketer Chris Heurer:

“If you are trying to sell something to the community, and that is your reason for being there, it will be obvious to those people and you will never be as successful as you can be.

If you are participating because you really want to contribute to the community, because you really want to share what you know, because you really want to be of service to the community and its members, you will sell to the right people BECAUSE of your sincerity and honesty.”

9. Negativity:

I advocate positive participation wherever and whenever you can on the Internet. Think twice or thrice before tearing into people on the Web. Once those words are out there, you cannot take them back — ever.

This is a good spot to put in a good word for good etiquette, so I direct you to my article “Do we need an Emily Post for Social Media?

FINAL PIECE OF ADVICE . . . and I’m going to make this one a DO, not a Do NOT:

10. Goal of your online presence:

Position yourself as the GO-TO Source for information in your area of expertise.

Therefore, everything you post on the Internet, in whatever platform or tool you choose, should reinforce you as a Thought Leader and Influencer.

Throw your Hat in the Ring:

Just don’t stay on the fringes.

Join the conversation . . . and add your questions and comments.