Writer’s Block? Rather, so many things to say —
How do you pick one post for the day?

This reminds me of one of the greatest pieces of advice I have ever received . . . decades ago, and I am still often sharing it with stressed-out students and friends:
Whenever Life bombards you with more challenges than a human being should have to handle, you pick ONE to focus on, and all the rest will magically and mysteriously fall into place.
Eeeeny meeny miny mo. I picked this topic:
Do’s and Don’ts I learned through my social media “research” this week:
1. LISTEN very, very, very carefully. You never will learn if you don’t. And you will learn so much more than you ever thought if you do.
2. ENGAGE with an open mind. If you are going “out there” — whether on the Web, in the classroom, at a meeting, or in a gym — expect to give and take, which means you may actually change your mind about something.
3. THINK things through. Knee Jerk reactions are for “jerks” — be deliberate and responsible and know that if someone is really listening to you, he or she will appreciate words that are carefully considered.
4. SINCERITY can never be overrated. Genuine passion wins friends and influences all sorts of people.
5. LOVE what you do and do what you love, and as my mom always said: “The money will come” =D
1. This one is easier than I thought it would be: Do NOT do unto others as you would not have them do unto you.
PS Now I’m thinking of dozens and dozens more DO’s [and maybe a few DON’TS] but I’d rather share the stage: What social media strategies work in your day-to-day lives?
Next post: Social Media Reading List
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Susan, I’m happy you are enjoying the “journey” as much as I am. Exciting possibilities are “out there” for all of us — companies AND individuals. And it is lots of fun!
Hi Shari. Finally got a chance to spend some time on your blog. Appreciate your thoughts and enjoyed it. Hope to visit with you more here. Take care. Susan
It’s great and extremely wise advice that your mom gave you, telling you to do what you love and love what you decide to do. That’s because when you love what you do not only you tend to put your best effort in it, but also because love fills you with new fresh energy and relieves you from stress and fatigue.
Love is empowering whether it is for a job, person, pure knowledge or God. It is the most amazing source of energy, which we all should pursue in our life in one form or the other.
Speaking of which, congratulation for your awesome grandkid.