Tag Archives: how to blog

Blogging 101: What IS a blog, anyway . . . and WHY should I do one


Yes, a blog is definitely a great way to promote a business online these days – now that everyone can become a publisher at NO cost, or a relatively low one. Anyone with an Internet connection can post his or her thoughts, opinions, and activities on the Global Whiteboard to be read and responded to.

Here are 10 basic reasons to start blogging:

  1. Publishing Platform
  2. Control your Message
  3. Delivery system for your Messages
  4. 24/7 Online Network
  5. New Skill Development
  6. Increased Perception through Web 2.0 Sources
  7. Visibility
  8. Reputation Management [your silence allows your critics to win]
  9. Build Google Presence
  10. Research required increases your Expertise

Follow these five steps to get you blogging

STEP ONE: Before proceeding to Step Two, make certain that you really want to start a blog:

  • Are you passionate enough about a topic that you want to write and publish your ideas on a regular basis?
  • Can you commit to a consistent schedule, e.g., once a week?  twice a week? Twice a day?
  • Will you be comfortable learning as you’re doing? Think of Picasso who said “I am always doing that which I don’t know how to do in order to learn to do it.”
  • Can you be patient about putting in effort BEFORE you see the big “payoff,” i.e. results and lots of readers?
  • Will you make time to read other peoples’ blogs and comment on them?
  • Would you like to be an authentic, honest, interesting Voice in the blogosphere?

If the answer is YES to all six questions, then proceed to Step Two.

STEP TWO: Spend a little bit of time searching the Internet for How To Blog articles. Many may be more advanced than a beginner can understand, but that’s OK. Reading them will not hurt you, and they may provide links to more basic articles.

STEP THREE: Do NOT wait until you think you will write a perfect blog post. If I had waited just over two years ago, I might never have gotten started. Common Wisdom suggests you listen to Nike, i.e., Just Do It. You will learn from your mistakes. After all, when you do get started, few people will know you are “out there,” so you can build your chops and publish content, which can always be revised and/or  deleted later on.

STEP FOUR: Choose a blogging platform. My suggestion is that you go with WordPress – the most popular and well supported blog tool and publishing platform. Here you have another choice: the absolutely FREE http://wordpress.com or the companion platform http://wordpress.org that requires you to (a) have a domaine name that will cost you less than $10 a year and (b) a blog hosting company that will cost around $10 a month. [I am very happy with Hostgator that I have been using for two years.]

Why would you pay when you can blog for free?

Actually, my suggestion is that you do choose the Free option, wordpress.com, for a month or so to make certain you are sure want to commit to the practice. My blog post: http://sharisax.com/2009/10/08/how-to-start-a-blog-step-by-step-and-voila-youre-a-publisher/ will help you set up a free blog.

Again, why would you want to pay to blog?

Self-hosting, i.e. a blog on a platform like wordpress.org will offer you much more control including options like the following:

  1. Your own URL and opportunity to build your brand without having to use the platform name, e.g., http://sharisax.com vs. my “free” blog that was at http://sharisaxiisoutthere/wordpress.com.
  2. An almost unlimited number of designs (or themes) that can be found free online or designed uniquely for your blog by a professional web developer.
  3. Opportunities to sell products and services as well as include advertising
  4. Addition of a large variety of “plugins” or applications that will extend the capabilities of your blog.

STEP FIVE: Just do it! Get started, and here is how to write your first blog post on the free platform.

Conclusion: Basically a blog can put a human face on a company, and people do business with people not organizations. Bloggers are the new Influencers. You can build your authority, and influence, by knowing your audience and writing relevant, original, interesting, keyword-rich content.  Use your blog to become the Go-To Source for information on your area of expertise.

ADDENDUM: I just found a new post that lists these reasons why businesses ought to blog.

I like PUTS FACE ON BRAND the best:

  • Create an image of an expert
  • Interact with clients and prospects
  • Improve search engine rankings
  • Spread the word
  • Talk about more than just products and services
  • Solve client’s problems
  • Build trust
  • Stay on top of your field
  • Build brand
  • Exercise your creativity
  • Put a human face on your brand
  • Proving ground
  • Foundation for social media activities
  • Differentiate from competition
  • Educate clients, prospects, stake holders
  • Increase traffic
  • Make money

Any other reason you can think of?



Teaching with Blogs and Twitter — When “Student Help” Means the Students Are Helping: What are you likely to learn?

My English students are practicing their writing skills on personal blogs for class assignments. A few of the students still “didn’t get it,” i.e. what was this blogging stuff all about?

So I asked them all to write a paragraph with this topic sentence:

“Blogs are a great way for people to build an online presence as an expert.”

Here is the paragraph that I liked so much I wanted to share it with my readers:

Expertise Is Just a Click Away

Guest Post by Natasha Hart-Wong

Blogs are a great way for people to build an online presence as an expert. When I don’t know how to do something, my first instinct is to ask someone who does know: I ask my husband computer problems. I go to my sister for pet and animal inquiries, and my stepmother always has the answer for any question about organic gardening. Blogging has that personal reference feel for any topic you can think of. So a simple internet search can yield experts in any field you have an interest in. If you feel you are an expert on something, then starting your own blog is a great way to share your expertise with the world.

*     *     *

With Social Media still in its Evolutionary Stages — especially where education is concerned, we teachers are creating new ways to communicate with our students . . . and learn from/with them.

My Freshman Composition students will be writing research papers using Twitter Search and Tweetdeck [to capture the Twitter Search Streams]. Natasha will be writing about Blogging for Business, and if you want to know more about the subject, click on the links she found and posted during our online class “discussion” #Laney1A:

Natasha’s First Tweets

  1. RT @sweta_s_patel: The most effective micro-blogging tools for your business http://ow.ly/2bsEU #Laney1A via TweetDeck

  2. http://bit.ly/acFSXF 10 Big Blogging benefits for small Business#Laney1a via TweetDeck

  3. RT @LittleXpert: Blogging Advice for Small Business http://bte.tc/aK9 #Laney1A via TweetDeck

  4. RT @infomediadotcom: Can blogging really help your business? The answer is… http://ow.ly/2bnwu #Laney1A via TweetDeck

  5. RT @nataliajones: Basics of business blogging http://ht.ly/2aV98 #bloggingtips #Laney1A via TweetDeck

  6. RT @Kevin__Chan: rt @copyblogger How to Find Thousands More Prospects for Your Business: http://bit.ly/coW8CF #Laney1A via TweetDeck

  7. RT @dkspeaks: 5 Business Blogging Tips | Freelance Blogging http://bit.ly/dfC3bx #Laney1A via TweetDeck

  8. RT @savvy_writer: Blogging for Business, Part I: http://tiny.cc/ybf0i #Laney1A via TweetDeck

  9. RT @visualpeople: regular blogging makes a difference:http://bit.ly/dsQ91y #Laney1A via TweetDeck

  10. RT @G0utham: WordPress Instant Online Money Making Theme http://bit.ly/anL6XV #Laney1A via TweetDeck

  11. RT @Acidhedz: Why Google Adsense Can Help Your Online Business Succeed http://bit.ly/cdag8Q #Laney1A via TweetDeck

  12. RT @JupiterCyclone: How to quickly and easily create a blog for your business http://bit.ly/cdUeJt #Laney1A via TweetDeck

  13. RT @LynnZettler: Good tips for blogging for businesses http://ow.ly/29F1k #Laney1A via TweetDeck

  14. RT @michael_n: Keep up your business blog: http://bit.ly/dwx8LZ #Laney1A via TweetDeck

  15. RT @ChadBooker03: Three Tips to Get You Started Blogging for Business http://bit.ly/9CBOVA #Laney1A

    Fellow teachers AND students, how have social media sites enriched your educational experiences?

Beginner Blogger’s Workshop: What do I blog about?

Q: Why do you want to blog?

A: Because it’s new and I want to do it.

Q: What do you want to blog about?

A: I don’t know. You tell me.

Blogging is a power strategy for Content Marketing, i.e., communicating about yourself and/or your company to win friends, followers, clients, and customers.

Six Q’s and A’s for Beginning Bloggers

1. What is blogging all about & why are so many people doing it?

Blogging is all about putting your unique voice, opinions, insights, and understandings “out there” to (a) build an online presence, (b) establish yourself as a Thought Leader, and (c) begin conversations and relationships.

Lots of people are blogging — maybe over 200 million worldwide — for a host of different reasons. Most are undoubtedly personal bloggers writing diaries for the world to see. More and more, however, companies, institutions, and nonprofit organizations are understanding that there is a Communication Revolution going on and that the way day-to-day business IS and WILL BE conducted is turning to more authentic, transparent, supportive 2-way conversations, rather than the traditional blasting out of messages.


Answer these nine questions before you decide to become a blogger

2. What do I blog about?

Like most marketing campaigns — as well as personal planning — you should decide on an objective:

What you will blog about has everything to do with why you want to start, build and maintain your online diary/report/journal/lecture.

If you are starting a blog for commercial reasons, then you naturally want to focus your communication towards a “target” audience. Noted social media authority David Meerman Scott suggests that all message-makers should have a clear idea of their consumer profile, i.e., specific data about your prospective readers.

Once you know whom you are writing for and why, you want to make certain that you offer content that is as relevant, informative, creative, and interesting as you can make it.

What’s the very best way to write the best blog articles? Write what you are passionate about.

The best way to improve your blog is to listen to your readers and think about them before — and as — you write.


My story of  Peter and “what to blog”

Any and all of Problogger – the hands-down online authority on How To Blog

3. How much effort will it take?

This answer, again, begins with your objective, but I suspect the real question might be: “Do I have to be writing every day to have a successful blog?”

If that is the case, then a simple answer is that Writing Consistently is more important/effective than Writing Daily.

Also, you are the one who decides whether you want short pithy blog posts like Seth Godin and Zahid Lilani or more detailed research reports like Brian Solis or something in between like Adam Singer or Suzanne Vara.

One key is to enjoy what you are doing – or it will show. Start slowly, maybe set a goal of one article a week. When you find that you want to publish more often, then find time to write twice a week . . . and so on. If you are particularly inspired on any day, then try to write an extra post or two that you can publish on a day when you have other commitments.

Another key is to realize that every time you publish new content, you are adding to your site and giving readers [some new] more and more of you. With that in mind, you want to make certain that Everything you publish is something you are proud of.


Spend some time with the bloggers suggested above. Zahid just wrote an article on whether or not Bloggers were Writers

4. If I am not a great writer, how do I get over the fear of writing?

A Great Question! especially if you were never an English major [and what percentage of the world was?].

Here are three things to think about:

  • Writing is compulsory thought. When you put fingers on the keyboard and start typing, you “force” yourself to think.
  • To over come “writer’s block,” I tell my English composition students to have a reader in mind, e.g. your mother, your best friend, your least favorite uncle, etc. You may see how much easier it is to “talk” when you can envision who is listening.
  • Like with any skill, “practice makes perfect” — or at least better.


Conquer the fear of writing

5. How do you get to blogs? How will people get to my blog?

Two questions here: the first is easy; the second is not so.

Finding blogs to read is as easy as going to Google or some other search engine and putting in some key words. I, personally, have not yet written about the “Fear of Writing” so I simply Googled it and came up with the link listed above.

A better way to find blogs, though, is to follow someone’s recommendation. I gave you five suggestions above, BUT all of those marvelous people write about subjects of interest to me, i.e., social media marketing.

If you want to read and or write about dogs, jewelry, moms, or fashion, you will need to find experts in those fields and (a) see if they have blogs or (b) email them and ask for blog suggestions.

SECOND PART OF THE QUESTION: How will people get to your blog, i.e., how will you get readers?

The basic reason why this is not so easy to answer is because it is not easy to get readers, but here are a few “streamlined” suggestions:

  • Write a lot. The more you write, the more Google has to index.
  • Comment on other peoples’ blogs enough and they may come to read yours.
  • Publicize your blog content on Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, etc.
  • Invite people to Guest Post on your blog.
  • Starting out, though, I’d suggest emailing all your friends and letting them know what you are up to.


Go online and search for articles “How to Get Readers”: you’ll find countless titles, but Problogger is best.

6. What are the biggest blogging mistakes?

This is really easy. Check the Guest Post by Suzanne Vara: Avoid These 9 Blogging Blunders

And you might want to check out my own 10 Biggest Mistakes Made by Social Media Newbies


Great! Ask away in the comment section OR, better yet, add your own answers.