Tag Archives: consistency

To BLOG? . . . or Not To BLOG? . . . That’s a good First Question

The MORE of YOU, the better!
The MORE of YOU, the better!

Tomorrow I’ll be meeting with 10-12 friends to teach them HOW TO START A BLOG.

The first question I could ask — but won’t — is WHY do they want to start a blog.

I won’t ask because I suspect two things: (1) most of them know little about blogging at all and (2) the majority are most likely hungry for any social media knowledge they can get.

And I love that!

. . . more for me to teach.

So let’s consider that First Question:


Take a look at these nine questions before you decide:

1) Are you really really passionate about something?

2) Do you have either a personal desire to speak your mind OR a business need to put your brand presence online?

3) Can you commit to some degree of consistency — whether it is once a week, three times a week, or three times a day?

4) Do you like to do like Picasso, i.e., Always Do What You Do Not Know How To Do In Order To Learn How To Do It?

5) If you make a mistake, can you admit it, accept it, and move on?

6) Can you be patient about gaining a larger readership?

7) Will you take time to read and comment on other bloggers’ articles?

8- Can you participate in a conversation where you could get criticized?

9) Would you like to be an authentic, honest, interesting voice in the Blogosphere?

If you can give a sincere YES to each of those questions, then I say GO FOR IT!

And to help you get started, you can check out my post on HOW TO START A BLOG and another post by my favorite blogger Adam Singer 50 Blogging Lessons To Know If You’re Starting Today