Tag Archives: Yoga

Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Social Media AND Yoga

humpty dumptyOK, I’m not David Letterman or Johnny Carson, but I think I might be able to come up with my own

“Late Afternoon Top Ten List”:

Why I LOVE Social Media & Yoga

  1. They are gathering places for like minds, hearts and souls.

  2. Someone gets up on a platform, and people follow.

  3. I stretch myself.

  4. Participation allows me to “touch” — and be touched.

  5. They are both quite in vogue these days.

  6. I can capitalize on the “moment.”

  7. Something new is learned every time.

  8. The benefits intensify as my involvement increases.

  9. They are both Addicting — but in positive ways.

  10. AND . . . I’ve made some Great New Friends!

What Changes is Everything

Motion in Poetry

[read to us during yoga this morning — couldn’t help but think Social Media]

Joyous in flight
Joyous in flight

HERON by Leza Lowitz

Still as silence

what I hold in this life

is thousands of years of DNA,

the mystery of a moment

in which what falls away

is effort

and what changes

is everything

that grows longer

and stronger,


in flight.

From “Yoga Poems: Lines to Unfold By” by Leza Lowitz, (Stone Bridge Press)
Leza says: “Many thanks. I love sharing yoga and spreading the word about the transformative powers of yoga and poetry! Thanks for posting the link too. I have just finished a sequel to Yoga Poems and hope it will be published in 2010 or thereafter.
The Art of Embracing Uncertainty: An interview with Leza Lowitz
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