Tag Archives: webinar

“Get Laid, Get Paid, and don’t Die” — What People Want

I debated about using that title — and even asked my Facebook Friends for advice on the riskiness of a “risqué” headline. So we’ll see what happens:

Will I get more traffic?

Will I hear any backlash?

What will I learn from using a “racier” title than I might have?

What will YOU learn from the notes I took at George Kao’s latest free social media webinar?

trump tower

Blueprint for starting your own online business

Is it possible to know with any certainty

— BEFORE you start anything

— if it will work?

George Kao asked this question as he began his December 16 webinar featuring Internet Entrepreneur Clay Collins, who has started a business called Project Mojave to share his “vision for a world where every person can be their own boss and secure a healthy income while offering their greatest gift to the world.”

My Take-Aways

Most marketers do not fully understand how to get the most from market research.

STEP ONE: Your first research should be to carefully describe your Idea Client:

  • Develop a “Customer Avatar” – a picture of that ideal client.
  • When you plan your marketing message, aim it at One Specific Person. The key is talking to one person; you will sound more authentic, and others will want to engage with you as well.

How do you put together this Buyer Profile [as David Meerman Scott has called it]?

  • If you know where your demographic is, then go where they hang out. [i.e. Fish where the fish are.]
  • Then ask them questions:
  1. What is your biggest fear?
  2. If you could ask anyone a question, WHAT would the question be and WHOM would you ask?
  3. What product would you buy from me if I was the only one who could make it?
  4. How much would you pay for it?

“At the end of the day, people buy on emotion: they ‘Justify‘ as they buy what they want”

said Clay Collins, who suggested you then double the sum that they said they’d pay.

STEP TWO: Design your business around Problems, Needs, or Questions

  • If you can Answer a Question, you begin a relationship
  • If you can Fulfill a Need, you definitely get someone’s interest
  • If you Solve a Problem, you’ve got yourself a customer.

If you want to know where to find those problems, look to these areas:

  1. Relationships and sex
  2. Health
  3. Careers, jobs, making money


“It’s all about Getting Laid, Getting Paid, and Not Dying.”

STEP THREE: Know the customer’s “Primary Driver”

  • Most people are driven by one thing.
  • Find out what it is: Ask them what they want and why. Then ask them the same question again . . . and again.
  • Then Speak [i.e., your message] to their actual, real experience in a way that they can visualize the result.

Howard Blum photo - click for website*** So here are those original questions:

Will I get more traffic?

Will I hear any backlash?

What will I learn from using a “racier” title than I might have?


What did YOU learn from the notes I took at George Kao’s latest free social media webinar?

Social Media Marketing 101: More strategies to get you started

It almost doesn’t make a difference where you are on the Social Media learning curve, there’s always more to discover and integrate into your strategy . . . even if you are just getting started.

"I am always doing that which I do not know how to do in order to learn how to do it." -- Picasso
"I am always doing that which I do not know how to do in order to learn how to do it." -- Picasso

STRATEGY is the key word of the day

i.e., what do you do first, second, third, and so on . . .

As a teacher for umpteen years, I subscribe to a learning philosophy, which is introduced to my students on their first day of class.

It’s so simple, I break it down to these Four Words:

  • Confusion
  • Silence
  • Focus
  • Effort

Confusion: Accept it. If you already KNEW what you were studying, you wouldn’t need to be in the class, workshop, consulting session, etc.

Silence: Stop worrying, i.e., quiet the FEAR [False Expectations Appearing Real] or you’ll never be able to Listen and Learn.

Focus: Multitasking is the ruination of perfection [according to Suze Orman . . . and me]. So concentrate on one thing at a time.

Effort: Without work and persistence, nothing will be produced or achieved.

Therefore, STEP ONE is to get past your feelings that there is too much to learn, and it takes too much time, and you’ll never get a handle on it.

You are correct: there is a lot to learn; it does take time; BUT you can get a handle on it if you can Listen, Focus, and do the Work.

So what should you do today?

Well, reading through the rest of this article could get you headed in the right direction: I’m going to list some of the “lessons” I heard in a webinar called “Capitalizing on the Conversation” that was sponsored by Social Media Magic, a firm that offers free webinars and fee-based courses and coaching.

Disclaimer: I was not paid to write about them, but I found their information extremely useful.

During the first 40 minutes of the online presentation, I tweeted many of the webinar insights under the hashtag #COC. [If you go to http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23COC , you will find all of them.]

Top Ten Lessons from Social Media Magic Webinar:

1. Social Media is a complex Organic Conversation.

2. Your customers and prospective customers are “out there” talking — and they may be talking about you.

3.  Not having a presence in Social Media means not having a Brand out there.

4. The three MAIN sites to establish a profile on are Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

5. Optimizing your profile on each of these sites will have a huge impact. What you say about yourself is one of the key ways that people find you and connect with you — and then buy from you.

6. Don’t worry about numbers. Instead look for targeted users and build relationships with them.

7. The most powerful way to build relationships is to be personal, transparent, and authentic.

8. Twitter has lots of value that people either miss or don’t understand. Twitter search offers Real Time results, i.e., what people are talking about now.

9. On Twitter you can share timely information, promote contests, spread useful links, personify your brand, follow competitors, and build credibility and influence.

10. Know the goals of your company and plan your strategies around them. Then find your target audience and create messages for them.

So now, what do you do first?

Get started.

Get started where?


With what?

Okay, if you are still asking these questions, then my suggestion is to set up accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter AND Optimize your profiles . . . then we’ll talk some more.


9 Ways to Master Social Media Strategies