Tag Archives: build brands

Press Releases and Advertising are Dead

Social Media is Pushing Dramatic Changes in Marketing

There's light, new growth, beauty, and interconnection

TGIF. We’ll make this blog-lite, just in case you haven’t read my first post.

Yesterday’s adventure along the SM Revolutionary Road was anything but “lite” – information-wise. Three Bay Area social media players: John Harper, Dean Guadagni, and Pat Kitano visited my SFSU advertising and PR classes to provide all of us with a host of on-scene strategies they are currently implementing for their clients.

A few of the social media insights we heard:

  • The 100-year-old press release, the Hard Sell, is dead.
  • After celebrities Oprah Winfrey and Ashton Kutcher joined the Twitter Universe, its population grew 1.2 million – including a 12% growth in One Day!
  • Twitter is the perfect medium for broadcasting today, especially when building brands.
  • Speaking of branding, the Internet is an outstanding way to create and develop a personal brand. Resumes are passé. The paradigm is shifting in job search.
  • Google Alerts allow you to get an email notification every time your name [or any key word of your choosing] is mentioned on the Internet.
  • Information is going to be like the air around us.
  • We will be making chips from man-made diamonds so computers will get lighter and lighter.
  • Advertising, as we have known it, i.e., Madison Avenue strategies developed for the “New” medium of TV in the Fifties, just doesn’t work anymore.

More on all of these topics coming soon. In the meantime, check out (1) John’s April 23 blog post [and on-the-spot interview with me]: (2) Dean’s views and tips: and (3) Pat’s web explanations of how social media converges with mass media.

Next post: Build blog popularity with comments