My English students are practicing their writing skills on personal blogs for class assignments. A few of the students still “didn’t get it,” i.e. what was this blogging stuff all about?
So I asked them all to write a paragraph with this topic sentence:
“Blogs are a great way for people to build an online presence as an expert.”
Here is the paragraph that I liked so much I wanted to share it with my readers:
Expertise Is Just a Click Away
Guest Post by Natasha Hart-Wong
Blogs are a great way for people to build an online presence as an expert. When I don’t know how to do something, my first instinct is to ask someone who does know: I ask my husband computer problems. I go to my sister for pet and animal inquiries, and my stepmother always has the answer for any question about organic gardening. Blogging has that personal reference feel for any topic you can think of. So a simple internet search can yield experts in any field you have an interest in. If you feel you are an expert on something, then starting your own blog is a great way to share your expertise with the world.
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With Social Media still in its Evolutionary Stages — especially where education is concerned, we teachers are creating new ways to communicate with our students . . . and learn from/with them.
My Freshman Composition students will be writing research papers using Twitter Search and Tweetdeck [to capture the Twitter Search Streams]. Natasha will be writing about Blogging for Business, and if you want to know more about the subject, click on the links she found and posted during our online class “discussion” #Laney1A:
Natasha’s First Tweets
RT @sweta_s_patel: The most effective micro-blogging tools for your business #Laney1A via TweetDeck 10 Big Blogging benefits for small Business#Laney1a via TweetDeck
RT @LittleXpert: Blogging Advice for Small Business #Laney1A via TweetDeck
RT @infomediadotcom: Can blogging really help your business? The answer is… #Laney1A via TweetDeck
RT @nataliajones: Basics of business blogging #bloggingtips #Laney1A via TweetDeck
RT @Kevin__Chan: rt @copyblogger How to Find Thousands More Prospects for Your Business: #Laney1A via TweetDeck
RT @dkspeaks: 5 Business Blogging Tips | Freelance Blogging #Laney1A via TweetDeck
RT @savvy_writer: Blogging for Business, Part I: #Laney1A via TweetDeck
RT @visualpeople: regular blogging makes a difference: #Laney1A via TweetDeck
RT @G0utham: WordPress Instant Online Money Making Theme #Laney1A via TweetDeck
RT @Acidhedz: Why Google Adsense Can Help Your Online Business Succeed #Laney1A via TweetDeck
RT @JupiterCyclone: How to quickly and easily create a blog for your business #Laney1A via TweetDeck
RT @LynnZettler: Good tips for blogging for businesses #Laney1A via TweetDeck
RT @michael_n: Keep up your business blog: #Laney1A via TweetDeck
RT @ChadBooker03: Three Tips to Get You Started Blogging for Business #Laney1A
Fellow teachers AND students, how have social media sites enriched your educational experiences?
Soon everyone is going to have their own blog.