Tag Archives: Zahid Lillani

What to Tweet? Yes, you can mix personal with business

I’m planning a Twitter workshop for some of my BabyBoomer friends, who are finally getting the idea that Twitter isn’t going away — and maybe they ought to jump aboard sooner rather than later.

There’s a whole lot of confusion out there: note the “Digital Divide” that Janis Johnson and I discussed in my last post Social Media has a PR problem.

How often do I tweet?

When do I tweet?

What do I tweet — business? personal?


And, of course, the “help” abounds all over the Internet. I like my two posts

A recent “tutorial” brought to my attention by my student and colleague Zahid Lilani was a video featuring Social Media Thought Leader Chris Brogan discussing Social Media 101

In the last few minutes devoted entirely to Twitter, Chris describes his own Tweeting strategy:

  1. He promotes other people’s stuff 12 times for every once he does his own.
  2. He replies to Everyone [I think he says more than 80% of his Tweets are replies.]
  3. And you should mix Business AND Personal.

Chris Brogan Shares Social Media Tips from Michael A. Stelzner on Vimeo.

Chris called Twitter “His Serendipity Engine” through which he’s met scores of people he’d never have met any other way.

NOTE: Super Tech Geek Robert Scoble said yesterday that Chris does Twitter wrong simply because he talks so much about other things and other people, and Robert wanted to read more about Chris.

But my post has had a “secret” agenda, which is now going to be revealed:

I wanted to mix personal with business.

So here are the latest photos of my “Buckeye Family”:

Buckye Family
Brian, Karen, Tyler

Tyler says Howdy Do

After all, People prefer to do business with People — when they have the chance.