Tag Archives: Shama Hyder Kabami

11 Do’s and 7 Don’ts For Marketing on Facebook

Everyone wants to be told what to do, according to 19th century philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson. That’s one reason we read books — and write blogs. I combined the two in a “How to” site with lists I will be reposting here on a weekly basis. If you just can’t wait, though, click on the How-to link for all the lists.

from The zen of social media marketing by Shama Hyder Kabani

Every brand should know about Facebook marketing. Shama writes that the goal on this social media platform should be to attract people to your website, build trust, and gain visibility — all things that inevitably lead to sales.

Here’s what she says you SHOULD DO:

1. Spend time creating an outstanding profile.

2. Let your personality shine through.

3. Reach out to people in a professional and thoughtful manner.

4. Build a loyal Facebook friendship base.

5. Leverage notes and status updates by providing value.

6. Work on attracting people to your site (using real value, not pushy links).

7. Have a friending policy in place.

8. Build a community around your topic or specialty.

9. Be  proactive in your networking efforts.

10. Share relevant photos and videos.

11. Participate actively in groups.

And here are her DON’T DO’s:

1. Don’t be pushy.

2. Don’t write your web link on someone else’s Wall.

3. Don’t send or accept frivolous applications.

4. Don’t use your business name as your profile name.

5. Don’t put up crude or thoughtless pictures or comments.

6. Don’t expect social media to “work” for you (you do the work).

7. Don’t “friend” blindly — let people know why you are requesting a connection.

No matter what your business or organization, chances are your customers and potential customers are using Facebook. Bring your business to them.


Shama’s website: The Marketing Zen Group

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