My new Hyundai Genesis . . . almost

Genesis 150x150 My new Hyundai Genesis . . . almost

Shari's new car

Since I went to visit my grandbaby Tyler just two days after buying my new Hyundai Genesis, and because my son Randy’s photos of me and the car don’t seem to be click-able, I haven’t written my first new car story.

However, someone told me about, a website where you can find EVERYTHING used in your neighborhood, and I found a slideshow featuring a copy of my car BUT when that car sold, the slide show changed, so I had to post this one from the NY Times:


Here’s how I used LinkedIn to help me buy the car.

AND . . . here’s how I’m Enjoying The Moment:

. . . and if you’re like me and can’t get enough of Tyler, check out his video performances on my YouTube channel @sharisax, starting with Tyler on the slides at Tinapple Park in Hilliard, OH

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