DO YOU LEAD or FOLLOW? Mike’s serious side: Q & A

While I’m busy visiting my grandbaby, I’ll share this new comment by my pal Mike:

Sierra Oscar, I’m back…

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Online and offline Management

Do you value your friends and contacts both online and offline as much as you would like them to value you?

It is important to value friendships — and your online contacts should be treated like they are friends. Then the relationship can develop and maybe they will become friends. You may never meet but even so the relationship can still be mutually very valuable.

Do you have a general policy for dealing with everyone or do you treat them as individuals?

People are individuals and should be treated as such. It is acceptable to send a BCC to your friends and contacts and even family; but make sure you send everyone a personal email or contact them in some other way periodically.

Do you believe certain standards of behaviour in communicating with people are essential?

It is essential to have rules about your own behaviour when dealing with everyone, be nice!

Do you freely help others when they are in difficulties or perhaps overworked or lack sufficient knowledge to cope?

Be helpful! If you help others and give them encouragement; they will usually share something in return. Don’t think what you can get; think about what you can give; what you can contribute.

Do you share you knowledge and experience or hold back vital information that could be of value to others?

You have knowledge and expertise and so share it cast some bread on the water and see what fish you can catch. You will gain self esteem and recognition if you share.

Do you send out positive messages or do you complain about the negatives, the problems that you face every day without looking at the problems others face every day that may be more demanding than yours?

Other people are a mirror of the soul; if you send out negative thoughts and you will get negative beliefs back, be positive and send out a positive message.

Do you lead or are you a follower?

Are you a leader or a sheeple? Lead by example and be a role model or a mentor or a really good friend.

Do you listen or do you lecture. Do you treat all your contacts and friends equally and fairly?

It is important not to discriminate in favour of one connection over another, except perhaps one may have greater needs than the other — if they are sick or disabled for example.

Do you plan ahead and set goals and tasks?

Planning can obviously help you know your path in life and that should be consistent with the plans of others and certainly not conflict with the plans of your friends. Make goals and set targets and make sure everyone knows what they are; they will help you achieve your goals.

Do you blame others for you mistakes?

We all make mistakes but to blame the system or others is counter-productive; accept responsibility and get on with it.

Do you publicise your beliefs and make it known that you have an open door approach and are always willing to listen?

You can have great principles but if no one knows, how will they know to respect and trust you. Don’t be loud or arrogant but make your beliefs clear to others, online and offline.

Do you listen to suggestions and the opinions of others?

Do you actively seek the opinions and suggestions of others or are you a know-all. Try to ask for advice and it may not always be good advice, but the opinions will be diverse and you should consider all of them.

Are you flexible changing the way you do things with the changing world around you and changing technology?

I get sick of learning how new things work and forget how some old things work, even altering the timing on the central heating can seem a chore. The more we accept the challenges of a changing world with its changing environment and changing technology the easier we find it to change and adapt to the changing world.

Do you show others respect and make them feel appreciated?

You like to be shown respect and so does everyone else! We all feel down when we feel used and not appreciated but in this busy world it can be difficult to remember to thank those who help us along the long winding path of life; take time to do that, you will find rich rewards.

Do you abdicate or delegate your role when you should be communicating?

Some things you have to do yourself and communicating is one of them. You cannot address the world through a puppet. You may be able to delegate certain tasks to others. I often delegate the task of doing the garden to someone else but I don’t ask them to talk to the squirrel I do that myself!


In this technological world we have almost unlimited opportunities to engage other people. We can talk to them in person, on the telephone, through email, through instant messaging, using Voice over IP and all these different ways need a different approach but they all have something in common. Whatever medium you use to communicate, be nice, be friendly and put any doubts about them to the back of your mind. They may seem like a slippery sales type or a dreamless one from human remains; but give them a chance and ask questions. If you ask questions, you are taking an interest and always remember those questions that there is no answer to. If they say something you disagree with challenge them. I don’t believe in capital punishment but I don’t say you’re stupid if you say you do believe in it. I ask questions, like how about people who are innocent and convicted wrongly? How about soldiers in the past suffering post traumatic stress disorder (shell shock) who were executed for cowardice? Isn’t it cruel keeping people on death row for years making them wait for a fairly certain death? How about the cost? It costs a million dollars to execute someone with all the legal appeals and the blood sucking lawyers and the death row stuff? I ask questions and although I may disagree with you, you have a right to your opinion. If you say I’m a crap writer that’s different; you should be taken out and shot – no death row nonsense… 

Today’s blog is a little serious, back to the funnies tomorrow…

I’ll be back…

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