5 thoughts on “What Social Media “Myths” would you uncover or debate? [briefly stated]”

  1. Shari,

    No matter what we deal with, it is always best to do our own research and get our own view of what’s going on. And it is so true that people feel a lot more secure in “saying” personal things through written interaction than face-to-face. There seems to be a perception of a smaller risk of negative feedback.

    ~ Pat and Lorna

    1. I agree on both counts. RE: doing our own research. I’m actually working on a story about YELP, where lots of people post negative reviews that are often more “personal” than business, so more research is definitely in order.

      As to “smaller risk of negative feedback,” I’m reminded of the stories I’ve heard recently where 20-somethings typically dump their significant others via a Facebook message.

      A new world we are living in

  2. Thanks a lot for pointing out this article. The part about “email is dead” was great… I tell myself I am just out of step and then along come the facts. Guess I’m not so far behind after all. Yeah, my suspicion is like the author’s statements like “the web is dead” (I heard at a recent conference) can be deceiving. Yes there are new technologies and those ahead of the curve can do well. But there is plenty of room for those in the old space who use it well. Saying email is dead or the web is dead is like saying I’m dead. Hey – we are all dying. But hardly dead!

  3. Hey Shari,

    I topic on Social Media makes us anti social is a good one.

    It is very easy to hide behind a computer these days. We forget that we are missing a crucial element to our businesses. The good old fashion person to person, knee to knee business is a crucial part of relationship building with our customers and potential business partners.

    In Success,
    Howie Perks

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