Tag Archives: online class

Eng 201 directions for October 30


Comma splices are one of the biggest grammar errors that you’re making this semester. Today’s lesson is an opportunity to TEACH YOURSELF how to avoid them . . . and how to write better sentences.

ALL of your responses need to be posted on the Wikispaces comment page.


1) Take this grammar quiz on Run-on Sentences:


Use the WIKISPACES “Page” that says QUIZ. When there is a multiple choice question, write the number of the question AND the answer   — do not simply write the letter of the answer.

For the final five “rewrites,” be certain to include COMMAS that belong there.


2) Access this URL : http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/runons.htm   and WRITE in Wikispaces ” Page” marked READING ABOUT COMMA SPLICES  — the time you begin reading

a) Read the lesson about run-on sentences AND click on the right side to download the power point discussion, which will be particularly helpful to “visual learners.”

b) Take all the practice quizzes, but you will learn the most if you try to “fix” the sentence before the grammar version gives you the right answer.

c) Write down the time you finish reading and practicing corrections. [Again as a “comment” after your beginning time.]


3) Final Comma Splice assignment:

a) Read http://www.grammar-worksheets.com/worksheets/Lesson.Comma.Splices.pdf

b) On your Wikispace comment page, find the page that says: Create and fix your own ROS.

Write down a “fused sentence” and FIX it.

Write down a “fragment” and FIX it.

Write down a “comma splice” and FIX it.



Spend 15 minutes writing an LPW using this saying:

“I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.”
Thomas Jefferson

This will be posted on the page that says DREAMS


PART THREE . . . this will be available at 7:15 or 7:30 pm, depending on how many LPW’s have been posted to the Wikispaces page.


Take your LPW and find the best line. Start a new paragraph using that line. Write five sentences and proofread carefully.