Especially for Beginners

1. If you found this Page [“How to USE THIS BLOG”] then you will see the other labels near it:

and above the Logo: SHARISAX IS OUT THERE are four more self-explanatory pages where you can subscribe and read an about me.

2. A Page is “static”: it is always there — unlike a Post, which is a story that replaces whatever was published immediately before it, i.e. the most recent story is the one you will see first.

3. When you click on the HOME PAGE, you will find the Posts: each has a thumbnail photo and introduction to the article. Click on EITHER the title or the label that says “Read More.”

4. ABOVE the Posts are alternating banners: these are 10 Featured Articles that have been popular in the past.

5. ON THE RIGHT “Sidebar” you will see a Search Box with a magnifying glass icon.

6. RIGHT BELOW THE SEARCH: Categories/Comments/Recent Posts.  The CATEGORIES that are probably most appropriate for new blog readers are probably all the “Basic ones”:  Blogging Basics, Facebook Basics, and Twitter Basics.

6. Then check out photos and links on the rest of the sidebar.

7. FINALLY, on the very bottom are Recent Posts, my Tweets, and another Search box.


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