Four months ago I found this “Pearl” under the rock, i.e., the loss of my driving privileges . . . and wrote my first post “How to Become Rich & Famous on the Web.”
My goal is to collect 500 comments on the First Post, and “we’re” almost there — only 18 to go!
I asked friends and new acquaintances to tell me what “Being Rich” meant to them AND/OR “What Drives Them.”
In the process I met Mike Maynard, who answered both those questions . . . and hasn’t stopped. He’s the coolest British Wit, and he’s writing a blog-within-a-blog.
Here are six of the other comments I liked:
From my high school friend So KoMyo:
A $100 shirt is the bottom end? I must be living in a dream world of poverty. I look for shirts in the $10 clearance bin.
Rich to me is having what is needed to get you through the day. I said needed not wanted. Rich is also appreciating everything that you have. And really rich is the ability to share your talents with others, so they may learn to exist without suffering.
A deep bow to you,
So KoMyo
From my marketing colleague Mark Allen Grainger:
What drives me:
I am driven by connection… in fact, my entire business is built upon the idea of helping people connect with themselves and each other. I have a belief that says anything of real importance only occurs between people. What I love so much about “Driving Miss Shari” is that you are exchanging driving time with connection time… and this will always result in a deeper sense of meaning and fulfillment.What if people could slow down… and be present enough to let real communion occur between each other? Whether it’s a networking event, coffee meeting or simple interaction, many professionals are so focused on what they need and want… that they forget to slow down and notice the value of what is occurring between you and another right now.
The way you form and manage relationships is a skill-set… one not taught in school or even at home, but one you must seek to discover on your own. One of the most powerful ways to differentiate yourself is the style and skill upon which you form, foster and manage the complexities of professional human relationships.
Could it be, “Miss Shari” that this fainting episode is nothing more than an opportunity to form, foster and deepen relationships.
In your corner & on your side, Mark Allen Grainger- The Inspirational Marketer
From my social media Facebook friend Dotti Berry:
One thing that comes up for me is that all of us in our society have become so “self-reliant” (because we can be) that we have forgotten what it is like to have to reach out and ask for help. humbling? Yes. eye-opening? yes. when Roby and I took our year-long journey across America, we were helped time and time again. I feel such gratitude for those experiences and what I continue to learn. I discovered that being in the “giving” role means always being in control. Being on the receiving end feels vulnerable, AND also allows me to connect more deeply with others…a good thing! Understanding the balance and value of both giving and receiving is the gift. It takes both to complete the cycle. — Dotti Berry
From my BNI Friend and First Featured Driver du Jour Bob Crane:
Hi Shari ,
Rich and famous… That’s a tagline that opens up a whole lotta something different to everybody.Richness or financially wealthy to me means the resources to pay for my lifestyle for so many days forward into the future.
Rich in other ways include the many areas of my life I am grateful for. I am rich with the love of my beautiful wife Mary, my good health and great friends and love of my family.
I am rich with productive work that adds value to my clients. I am rich with a great business partner and fabulous staff in our company. I am rich with a beautiful home, and the love of writing and playing my music. I am rich being very happy for the little things like squirrels in my back yard that we feed and have become friends with… the smell of coffee in the morning, Marys’ potato soup, sleeping in on weekends, fog over the Golden Gate, Season tickets for Giants baseball team .
To sum it up… my little lifestyle makes me richer and more fortunate than most of my fellow humans on the planet in other countries. If I think I’m having a bad day I just remember the saying from that I felt bad about not having any shoes until I met the guy with no feet…
As far as being famous… it would be helpful to me only as a platform to reach more people with something they would find valuable to them…
Thanks for the space to share my thoughts and feelings — Bob Crane
From a new reader Elina:
Being rich doesn’t just define a rich person who has a lot of money. It also defines a person who has a rich life, meaning this person has all the love, happiness, health, friends, and support desired. The saying “Money DOESNT buy you happiness” comes to mind. Translation: by being rich you can BUY your happiness. I have to dissagree! The more money you have, the more money rich you are, but you can still be unhappy. However, if you have a rich life, you are happy and you don’t need all the money in the world to feel rich.
While many may argue my point, I would take a rich life any day over being money rich. — Elina
From my brother Chuck Balcher:
I have to say that a near-death experience earlier in my life propels me to live every day as if it is my last. I feel that I have to cram as much as is humanly possible to make my life the most productive that it can be.
Who knows if there will be a tomorrow?
At the end of every day, while contemplating everything I have done, I always ask myself if there was anything I could have done more. Whether it is at work, helping out a friend or even listening to a good song, these are all the things that drive me and push me to fulfill my purpose in life. — Chuck Balcher
No, you don’t need to read the other 476, but maybe you’ll click on the First Post and tell us What drives you AND/OR What it means to be rich — that would be Awesome
Now 17 to go… just commented. Pretty soon you’re be a model too…
What I love is the way you “grovel” (sp?) for these comments…all in the name of being rich!
I feel rich, no matter the circumstances because I am soooo grateful for life and friends. I feel rich for being able to read your blog and knowing you. When I was a kid I asked my mother if we were rich. She looked at me as if I were from outer space at that moment, saying “What makes you think that?” with a quizzical “I can’t believe you asked that” look on her face. I replied, “Because we get milk shakes on Friday nights.” I still think that is a good barometer! Now…I doubt we got them every Friday, but when we did, it felt rich to be drinking those thick Dairy Queen milkshakes!
You rock, Ms. Rich Shari!
Dotti Berry recently posted..QR Codes will be the Mobile Social Media Marketing Darling of 2011
Now, Dotti, either YOU need to post this comment on the first post: OR just “authorize” me to do it
there I go “grovelling” again
Fight, fight, fight! Now let’s go out there and win one for the Gipper!
Gregory Stringer recently posted..Goodbye Edublogs – we’re moving!