Tag Archives: social media curriculum

So you want to GET STARTED in Social Media? Here are 7 Steps:

In honor of the new students beginning a 12-session Social Media Basics course with me, here is an article with information on What to Do First:

This post is designed for those of you who ..

a – Understand that there is a New Normal.


b –Have profiles on one or more social media sites and don’t know what to do with them next.


c – Want to find out where to begin their training in social media sites, strategies, and tools.


d – Are giving up their resistance, so they can RELAX and ENJOY the Revolution.

My recently re-posted article Simple Answers to Six Basic Social Media Questions answered these six FAQ’s:

  • Where can and will social media take me?
  • What makes social media so important?
  • How much time do people need to spend online?
  • What is a blog?
  • How safe are social media sites for private, confidential information?
  • How many social media platforms do you really need to know and use?

Seven Steps to Starting To Do Social Media the Right Way

STEP ONE: Baby Steps

Too often people attend a social media presentation and begin getting excited, but end up intimidated by How Much there is out there. The key here is to recognize the fact that you must go slowly, i.e., master one site/strategy/tool at a time. Once you have learned that one, the rest will be easier. Be happy with every minor rewarding experience whether it is simply posting or a mention or a real interaction.

STEP TWO: Don’t Expect Immediate Results

I’ll never forget one of my first clients who had just opened a Twitter account and wanted to know if she could expect five new clients in two weeks. NOT! Social Media strategies are long term, i.e. building relationships with trust, consistency, sincerity, and patience.

STEP THREE: Be Deliberate

Imagine that someone ONLY sees One Post or Update or Comment. What is the impression you want to leave with him or her? Think about that every time you write on the Global Whiteboard. What you post is there forever.


My university students regularly hear my 3 Rules to Business Success: (1) Listen Carefully; (2) Read Carefully; and (3) Follow ALL Directions. Without that critical first rule, you will miss vital information to plan future strategies. Communication is not a solo activity. Write a diary for that. With social media you want to listen to what people want and think. Then give them what they want. Remember that marketing, especially social marketing is not about you. It is about people you want to do business with, so find out how you can help. Everyone really does want to be heard.

STEP FIVE: Collaborate

This is one of the beauties of the Internet and its communication channels –social media: i.e., the ease of finding people to help answer questions, solve problems, supply materials, and team up with you on projects. Collaboration follows naturally from engaging online.


Too often forgotten, but social media should be fun. Social media play follows Margaret Mead’s suggestion from her work with the Samoans, i.e. Work should be Play, and then Play is Work.

STEP SEVEN: Be the GO-TO Source for Information

Here is your ultimate direction: Who you are online. This reminds me of a favorite saying: “We do not go out looking to find ourselves. Rather, we create ourselves.” Social Media provides you the opportunity to establish a yourself as a powerful influencer in your area of expertise. Take your passion and turn it into an opportunity for helping the world. Social media has that reach.


Did I forget any beginning steps you would suggest?